Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Campbell Brown Hits Back

I know it's human nature, racism is a flaw within us all. The fact that hick town America equates all Muslims with hate and terrorism is not only a problem we have to address here, but think how all these idiots, like this lady in the video, show the rest of the world how we equate all Arab peoples as one.

Campbell Brown
"I feel like I'm stating the obvious here, but, apparently, it needs to be said. There is a difference between radical Muslims who support jihad against America and Muslims who want to practice their religion freely and have normal lives, like everybody else.

There are more than 1.2 million Arab-Americans and about 7 million Muslim Americans, former Cabinet secretaries, members of Congress, successful business people, normal, average Americans from all walks of life. These are the people that are being maligned here every time this happens. And we can only imagine how this conversation plays out in the Muslim world."
Old ladies like this are the perfect recruiting material for anyone in the Middle East. Our savagery and ignorance personified by a Grandma from Iowa.

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