Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe Six Pack And Joe the Plumber

Joe Six Pack and Joe the Plumber are two code phrases for Republicans, not to get all stealth on the subject, but they are invoking images of white, male America. The angry types who make middle income wages but aspire to fake Republican ideals which ultimately undermine their middle class stature.

I always picture the guy in Kansas who votes Republican and complains about the role of Government, yet lives in subsidized farmland. The same guy who complains about the size of government, yet the only thing kept up in his fading city is the Post Office, the Police/Fire House or Library.

And when Palin and McCain use Joe Six Pack they are addressing these idiots who think "tax and spend" is so much worse then "spend and borrow". It's called interest on debt and we give all that money to China. You balance the books in your own home, why shouldn't the government?

The real Joe Six Pack is so clouded by his dreams of success, he's like the schoolboy who sides with the bully who steals his lunch money. He may have no money but he can say he has friends who are tough. Abusive friends are not friends.

Joe Six Pack's days of representing the everyman are coming to a close. Bush, McCain and Palin are the end days of mediocre politicians with their feeble skills and gullible constituents. Alaska? Arizona? Crawford, TX?

But don't feel bad, my friend, you'll still have Joe Biden to satisfy your "Joe as typical American" needs. You can use Joe Vice President in your next fake argument about how the white guy is getting screwed.

NOTE: The best part about this whole post is that I just learned the real "Joe the Plumber" isn't even registered to vote. Classic.

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