Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Frum: Rush's Blueprint For Irrelevance

Uber-Conservative David Frum on why Republicans are screwed and how Right Wing cheerleaders like Rush Limbaugh and Tony Blankley are "feeding [their] audience pleasing illusions that can only lead conservatives to even greater troubles in the days ahead."

Frum goes on to mock Limbaugh's "blueprint" for success, one that Rush thinks current conservatives are ignoring:
1) Reagan-style conservatism remains wildly popular with the American people. It was the "blueprint" for winning landslides between 1980 and 1994, and it remains the blueprint today.

2) Yet for some unaccountable mysterious reason, politicians are ignoring this blueprint! There is not a strong elected conservative voice in the country today.

3) So obviously what we need to do is return to the politics of the 1980s - and sit back and collect the rewards.
Frum's moment of clarity, "Could it be possible that the reason that we lack Reagan-style conservatives in elected office today is that they are having trouble getting elected?"

Hey Republicans, the train is moving forward. If you want 1980, or more like 1955 pre-Rosa Parks style America, those days are done.

Frum nails Rush claiming "he is feeding his audience pleasing illusions that can only lead conservatives to even greater troubles in the days ahead."

Summing it up:
"When Rush and Blankley tell us the blueprint is there, if only we would follow it, they are telling us something that is not true. They are offering flattering illusions when we need truth. They are leading us to disaster - and beyond disaster, to irrelevance."
Source: David Frum

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