Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Stevens Problem: Pallin' Around With Felons

McCain and Palin are running against old Washington. Stevens is literally old, 84, and represents the archetypal corrupt inner beltway politician. Fittingly, he's the Senate’s longest-serving Republican.
"On Tuesday morning, John McCain called for Sen. Ted Stevens to step down after the Alaska lawmaker was found guilty on seven counts of corruption charges, while a campaign aide suggested on television that Sarah Palin would not vote for the embattled legislator in his tight reelection race."
Will McCain suspend his campaign, again, to get Stevens out? Will the old coot just deny the facts and run in Alaska as if nothing happened?

If it's the GOP, predict the worst.

NOTE: As a convicted felon, Stevens cannot vote for himself.

Source: HuffPo

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