Monday, November 03, 2008

The Hartford Courant: We Endorse Obama For President

From my home state of Connecticut, The Hartford Courant made Barack Obama only the second Democratic presidential candidate it has endorsed in the paper's 244-year history.

Calling Obama "inspiring," "unifying" and saying "he would make the nation proud," the Courant gave Obama its full endorsement over John McCain.
"Mr. Obama has the right qualities of leadership, the elevating, can-do message that 'we are the ones we have been waiting for' and the calm temperament for these anxious times," said the Courant editorial board. "He has the counsel of such trusted figures as former Republican Secretary of State Colin Powell and investment legend Warren Buffett."
More from The Courant's editorial, published on Sunday:
"Even if he doesn't become president, the huge crowds he has drawn; the record-breaking donations he has raised from an unprecedented number of contributors; and the nomination he won — all have rewarded the late Martin Luther King Jr.'s faith that one day his children would "live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

The times cry out for a leader of Mr. Obama's mettle. Americans have suffered through years of losses, from the nearly 3,000 people who died on Sept. 11, 2001, through the more than 4,000 American troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and the tens of thousands wounded. More than a million people have lost their homes through foreclosure. Economists are warning that the United States is facing the gravest economic threat since the Great Depression.

Republican Sen. John McCain has failed to persuade us he could wake the nation from this seven-year nightmare.
Source: The Hartford Courant

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