Monday, November 03, 2008

McCain: Complains About Progressive Tax, But Is Not In Favor Of Flat Tax

For all the hot air John "FAIL" McCain and Sarah "$1200 Oil Checks For All Alaskans" Palin throw out about the empty argument that is "spreading the wealth", it should be noted:
"I think we could have an election that involves a major debate about the progressive income tax, but in order to have it, we'd have to have a candidate who is actually opposed to progressive taxation. The alternative to progressive taxation is a flat tax, and John McCain is not a flat tax supporter.

John McCain, as much as he may want to limit the slope of the tax line, isn't in favor of a flat tax; it's not in his policy proposals at all. Could you have a simple "let's have a more regressive tax scheme than we currently do" argument? Sure. But that can't be this scorched-earth, progressive taxation equals socialism argument the McCain campaign is making. It just doesn't make sense to have this extremist argument when the candidate making it isn't on one of the extremes.
We've had the progressive income tax since Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican and John McCain's hero.

What is worse: McCain making this bogus socialist argument or his Republican base actually believing it?

Source: L'hote Blog

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