Monday, December 29, 2008

Bush: Clown Or Villain

Bush and his two biggest objective surrogates, his wife Laura and second-wife, the invisible Condi Rice, are pushing hard to have us think long-term about his presidency. That one day we will be thankful.

Don't get caught up in his failed wars, horrible foreign policy, his out-of-control spending, his massive debt, his lack of oversight, his cronyism, the fact that 9/11 happened on his watch, his federalizing of the financial, mortgage and banking industries, his shredding of the Constitution, his torture policies, his contempt for Rule Of Law, his undying loyalty to massive failures like Rumsfeld and Cheney, his warrantless wiretapping, his choice of Alberto Gonzales, his handling of Katrina, his handling of Climate Change and the environment, his banning of stem cell research, his hatred of science, his handling of Wall St [how's your 401k?], and even his real failures like privatizing Social Security, nominating Harriet Myers for the Supreme Court and pushing for Constitutional changes for marriage.

The Three Banditos are using the "you'll see" approach. We've got absolutely nothing now, but somehow through time, this shit will turn to gold. But is this lying? Delusional, yes. Deceptive, yes. Denial, yes.

The facts are he lied about most everything. Why would he stop now?

History will be most cruel toward the Bush posse. His supporters, we'll call them close family and inner-circle political incompetents, will still find him folksy and more of a clown. His detractors, or people who like truth and facts, let's just called them carbon-based lifeforms, will find him a villain.

And the worst kind of villain. The one who does it with a smile. The one who spends all the money. The one who stokes fear to help only his agenda. The one who thinks "if only they had tried harder of believed in me more, this would have worked". That last line sounds better in German.

Maybe for some, being the worst villain isn't enough.

Seems Bush has spent the most effort trying to predict how people will think of him in 20 years then by actually doing his job now.

Source: Washington Monthly

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