Friday, December 26, 2008

Bush Never Met A Fraud He Didn't Like

The Bush Administration turned a blind eye towards corruption for 8 years and we all paid for it. I won't even mention honorary Bush Cabinet member  Ken Lay and Enron:
"Federal officials are bringing far fewer prosecutions as a result of fraudulent stock schemes than they did eight years ago, according to new data, raising further questions about whether the Bush administration has been too lax in policing Wall Street."
It's like we learn nothing from our previous mistakes when Republicans are in charge, greed always wins out.
"At a time when the financial news is being dominated by the $50 billion Ponzi scheme that Bernard L. Madoff is accused of running, federal officials are on pace this year to bring the fewest prosecutions for securities fraud since at least 1991, according to the data, compiled by a Syracuse University research group using Justice Department figures."
Lowest since 1991? I wonder who was President back then?

Source: NYT


Anonymous said...

Well they did prosecute, and convict that paragon of insider trading...Martha Stewart, didn't they?

Anonymous said...

Think back to 1988, The Silverado fraud. Who didn't get prosecuted then and which President was his father?

The whole family are evil. It's beyond dispute.