Friday, December 19, 2008

Rick Warren Is Just As Bad As All The Rest

So Rick Warren is a bad choice for Obama. Gays and lesbians are offended. Warren has some Bronze Age ideas about society and has missed out on 2000 years of empirical evidence.

I personally find that no matter who you pick, any religious leader, is "anti-something" that is long in need of a current day viewpoint. Whether it be gays, or condoms, or women, or stem cells: you name it, they are out of touch and, at most times, offensive.

What if Obama had Pope Benedict? He's a former Nazi youth, he spent 25 years denying that priests had raped young children, he denies the rights of gays and a whole host of deplorable out-dated laws, yet he is the leader of a billion Catholics out there. You just can't win.

The fact that Obama is so different and his message is above the fray of organized religion, yet has to align himself with some faith, is the problem. He lives a great life, yet is let down by his religious choices. Rev. Wright? Now Rick Warren. As progressives, we like him because he is secular. He's not God Squad like Bush and Palin.

No one cared when Bush used Billy Graham. He's a nut but it made sense. Bush is a Jesus freak, Billy Graham is an Evangelical Christian. Even worse, he's a Southern Baptist. No outrage there.

Offering Warren a place gets millions of Evangelicals excited about Obama and about the next 8 years. There is an upside to that.

At least Obama does not have to worry about the Muslim and swearing in on the Koran rumors anymore. Face it, religion is the cause, and not the solution, to a lot of problems.

On January 21, this will not be an issue.

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