Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Favorite Line From Obama's Address

Favorite line from Obama's Address yesterday:
"For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and non-believers."
"Freedom of religion" and "freedom from religion" are two different things. I'm excited that a demographic as big as non-believers, estimated at 16% of the US population, is being recognized. A better term would be "free-thinkers" because believing is not quite the point. That's what the likes of Jefferson, Franklin and Lincoln were, as well as, Einstein and Darwin.

Conversely, listening to Rick Warren was like listening to a fairy tale story time for infants. All that was missing was the Big Bad Wolf, clicking the heels on your ruby red shoes three times and a giant beanstalk.

Having faith is fine, I choose to have faith in science. My faith has about a millions volumes on it, all current and up to date. No Bronze Age mumbo-jumbo complete with contradictions and obvious metaphors not to be taken literally.

Thankfully a new Age of Reason is before us just in time, no more pious sanctimony or hypocritical devoutness from the Right to blind us.

"I believe in God, only I spell it Nature." - Frank Lloyd Wright

Source: Yahoo

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

The God Delusion... Modern scientists have figured out what our ancestors were seeking to understand. Get over yourselves Christian Right.

Rick Warren... that made me feel awkward.