Friday, January 23, 2009

Gitmo NIMBY? Top Prisoners Already Here

So closing Gitmo raises the question: where do you put the 250 or so detainees?

Transferring them to US prisons seems to scare people, what if they break free? As if that is going to happen. Here is a list of top terrorists we already have in Florence, Colorado and nobody has mentioned them in this discussion:
Zacarias Moussaoui, Conspirator in the September 11, 2001 attacks
Omar Abdel-Rahman, "The Blind Sheik"; involved in 1993 WTC bombing
Richard Colvin Reid, Islamic terrorist, nicknamed the "Shoe Bomber"
Wadih el-Hage, Conspirator in the 1998 US embassy bombings
Mahmud Abouhalima, Islamic Mujahideen leader, 1993 WTC bombing
Jose Padilla, Convicted of aiding terrorists
Mohammed A. Salameh, 1993 WTC bombing
The people of Leavenworth, Kansas are worried how this might effect their reputation if they get the Gitmo prisoners? There's a reason they put maximum security prisons in the middle of nowhere. Don't hold your breath waiting for the MTV Real World series to pick your city. Um, your reputation is secure, no pun intended.

Source: Wiki

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