Wednesday, March 04, 2009

David Plouffe: Rush Is Gold For The Dems

Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe's article in the Washington Post regarding Rush Limbaugh as new Minority leader.
"But if the GOP sticks with its strategy of failure as the only option, further eroding its brand with the people who decide elections, we may find out what it means for a political party to hit rock bottom."
Failure as the only option? That nails it. The GOP personifies failure. They can only bring failure to the situation. They frame debates and policy from such an out of touch approach, they never really address the problem. But what does Plouffe know? He was only an architect of the most successful, well run, paradigm-shifting, Presidential campaign ever.

As much as Rush hopes Obama fails, aren't we hoping Rush fails? Oh, that's right. Obama is the President of America and Rush is a greasy-haired, pot bellied, unelected pill-popping AM radio host who looks like a before photo for Extreme Makeover or The Biggest Loser.

As a democrat myself, Rush is gold, pure gold. After the defeats in 2010, maybe they'll make Rush Pope of the Republican Party?

Source: WaPo

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