Wednesday, March 04, 2009

GOP Rep. Actually Reads Bill, Discovers GOP Fake Stories

There's a problem with believing your own propaganda. A cautionary tale.

Dick Spotswood
, a California-based columnist, visited Washington, D.C., last week, and spent some time on Capitol Hill. He shares a story:
"Met with Republican Rep. Mary Bono Mack from Riverside County's Coachella Valley. While a social moderate, Sonny Bono's widow is a solid conservative. Talked to her about Obama's $780 billion stimulus legislation. She's outraged that the plan has "$1 billion wasted on a magnetic-levitation train from L.A. to Sin City" -- all at Nevada Sen. Harry Reid's doing.

After expressing my doubt that the Las Vegas line was actually in the bill's language, Bono Mack directs her staff to "get him the bill, it's right there, show him." A few minutes later, a staffer emerges with a copy and quietly says "it's not in the bill."
I bet she still tells the train story as if never being called out. Wow, reading the bill actually informed Bono Mack of what was in the bill. Her head was later removed from her ass.

That's what happens when you get your news from Fox, O'Reilly, Rush or even Bobby Jindal's rebuttal: you assume you're getting the truth, but in fact you're listening to people who don't know what they're talking about. That way, they don't think they are lying, they're just telling you what they heard.

So the conservatives get news with no credibility from their sources, repeat these stories, then turn around and blame the liberal media for all their real failures and political ineptitude.

Ronald Reagan used to say, "trust, but verify". What a load. Reagan loved to tell tale of the welfare queen in a Cadillac. There's something about the conservative mind that finds these anecdotes irresistible.

Source: Washington Monthly

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