Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Geithner's 500 Point Rally

Obi Wan and Yoda. Obama and Geithner. The Jedis are using the force. Obama-ites are sensing their power:
[Geithner] spoke without television cameras present, and attracted a group of policy-wonk reporters who seemed far more interested in the details of the plan than they were in the cable news chatter over Geithner’s woes. As a result, Geithner was not asked a single question about the controversy surrounding his handling of the AIG bonus mess, or the speculation over his future in the Obama cabinet.
So the market was up 500 points today after Geithner's announcement. The market seemed to approve. Will the woeful brain-dead pundit class let him keep his job one more day? Or do they have the "we have absolutely no principles" GOP outrage they want to report on? Can they find a soundbyte from a Republican from Alabama who says he lacks confidence? Those are always so meaningful and filled with insights and examples to back up their positions. Or not.

The Dark Side will eventually learn that the Force is stronger.

Source: Yahoo

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