Saturday, March 28, 2009

Imagine "Bush The Vacation President" In Charge Now

Obama is taking on every crisis there is: banking, finance, autos, foreign policy, health care. You name it, the Obama Administration is trying to address the situation, as well as, fix all the massive problems Bush and Cheney left behind.

The best the conservatives can say is Obama is trying to do too much. Really?

The pace and competency that Obama has brought to the office is amazing. It just makes your head spin how much is happening.

Now compare that to the first months of Bush:
Prior to September 11, 2001, George W. Bush was on vacation for 96 days -- Given that he’d taken office on January 20th of 2001, that means that as of September 11th, he’d been ‘on the job’ for 234 days. If 96 of those were vacation days, he was on vacation 41% of the time.
Granted the times are different, thanks to 8 years of Bush mailing it in, but I could not imagine how W would have handled these past few months. Maybe fetal position, sucking on a pretzel?

The ranch in Crawford, TX is such the symbol for Bush's legacy. The little boy playing with his toys, away from the adults. When the hard works comes up, he runs away to hide. How we put up with the obvious games is something I'll never forget. No amount of GOP white wash will ever change that. You can't cover up the complete failure that is George Bush.

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