Sunday, May 03, 2009

GOP-osaurus Siting

It's like the line from Spinal Tap, when faced with shrinking album sales over the years, the group says their fans are just more selective. Which is good line for a comedy movie, not politics.

The extinction of the GOP since 2004: lost 54 House seats, 15 Senators and 7 Governors.

Trying to spin Arlen Spector's switch as a good thing? Michael Steele and Sean Hannity grasping at thin air. Too funny.

Steve Schmidt
, McCain's campaign manager was the only one being realistic.

Fitting that the party that is anti-safeguards, anti-regulation, anti-environment and rife with claims climate change is bogus does not see their own short-sightedness and demise engulfing them. The endangered species list you mock could actually teach you a lesson and save you guys.

Source: DailyKosTV

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