Saturday, May 09, 2009

Quote Of The Day: Pope Benedict

The Pope warns of misuse of religion from his insulated 15th century-era ivory tower:
"However, is it not also the case that often it is the ideological manipulation of religion, sometimes for political ends, that is the real catalyst for tension and division, and at times even violence in society?"
He was speaking in the King Hussein Mosque in Amman, Jordan. Do you think that is the best thing to be saying in their country? To "warn" and "advise"?

Imagine if a Muslim cleric was speaking at the Vatican "lecturing" about the Catholic priests in America raping little children?

Certain Americans use religion more and more, throwing aside the separation of Church and State, to push social issues as wedges. The Evangelical Christians are the worst at this. Will the Pope ever address them?

Source: BBC

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