Monday, June 15, 2009

The GOP's Trouble With Loving Terror

Wishing Presidents fail and hoping for future attacks for political reasons has the GOP wondering where they stand:
On June 15, 2009, Sen. John McCain criticized CIA Director Leon Panetta for saying of former Vice President Cheney, "it's almost as if he's wishing that this country would be attacked again, in order to make his point." Yet in years past, both John McCain and his chief campaign adviser admitted that an increased fear of terrorism would help Republican candidates, presumably by "making their point."
Back in June 2008, McCain chief strategist Charlie Black said, regarding another terrorist attack on U.S. soil, "Certainly it would be a big advantage to him."

Greg Sargent also reminds us what McCain said the following about the release of a Bin Laden tape on the eve of the 2004 elections::

Bin Laden may have just given us a little boost. Amazing, huh?

"There’s no direct contradiction between McCain’s condemnation of Panetta for suggesting that Cheney wants another attack and his earlier claim that the Bin Laden tape would help the GOP. The point, though, is that McCain and other Republicans historically are not shy about making the claim that they benefit politically from terrorism."

Source: MediaMatters

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