Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Beware "Birthers": Code For Lunatics

Chris Matthews rips into a Republican birther, Rep. John Campbell.
"You're playing to the crazies."
Republicans refuse to outright deny whether Obama is a citizen, playing the "it's not what I think" bullshit game, because they want to foment their wacko base into spreading this fallacy. They can not take on his policies or his leadership, so they are reduced to petty racism and attacks on his ethnicity.

All these "birthers" are rural hayseeds living off the grid. Imagine that.

I could understand if this was about a guy in your office, but do they think that Presidents of the United States are not vetted by the FBI or the State Department? That somehow this has eluded our top intelligence agencies, but Bob and Martha Dipshit from Bumfuck, Iowa have cracked the code?

Maybe they learned this from the UFOs they boarded as they were drinking rubbing alcohol in their pick-ups out in the fields by the bonfires.


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