Friday, July 24, 2009

RNC Health Reform Strategy = Where Was Obama Born

Newsweek's Howard Fineman was on MSNBC's "Countdown" last night talking about the RNC [Rush, Newt, Cheney] plan "committed to stoking 'racial fears and resentments' and talking about 'where Barack Obama was born'" rather than deal with health care reform.
"I talked to people on the Hill all day today. Talked to Republicans as well as Democrats. Republicans claims they have a plan. They don't. They claim they're going to have a plan. They won't. Their whole strategy ... is to stand on the sidelines with their arms folded while the Democrats try to work this thing out. That's their whole strategy."

Source: Washington Monthly


Anonymous said...

Come on, seriously? The proposed bill is an albatross and not even BO wants it passed. Its like listing your car for sale, you ask for more than you want, so you can come down in price later. Puhlease. BO is so incompetent it is actually funny. Did you hear his stuttering press conference on health care? Guy was a doofus, all over the place. And injecting racism (his) into the Gates arrest was beautiful. Proves once again that unless he is reading off someone elses(!) teleprompter he is lost.

Newsflash to BO: you can't "speechify" your way out of everything anymore. Results matter. Unemployment won't go over 8%? Nice try BO. You have been wrong on every major thing so far, and ditto ruining health care.

Your blog is too far over the top to be taken at all seriously. Stop with the silly insults (yeah, I threw a few out about BO just because he is such an easy target) and rehashed slogans. The shoe thrower? Hello!!?! Boring! Jon Leibowitz-Stewart as your authority? Laughable. Dude, he is on Comedy Central, wake up.

Ok, nevermind, you're a lost cause. Enjoy your government cheese. Which I paid for, by the way. Thank me later.

Douglas Vicenzi said...

Getting feedback from clowns like you make it all worthwhile.

You attack the very same things you support.

Barack can't speak? Bush and Palin are Special Olympians.

Would love your thoughts on Bush's largest government entitlement program ever - Prescription drugs?

Staying on budget? Would love to here how much you thought the Iraq War would cost?

And the racism involved in killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, I'm sure you see nothing wrong.

I say up front I use comedy, then you crack on me because I use John Stewart. But you throw in his Jewish name, so I guess that's cool.
And it's not like Rush the Comedian is not the voice of your party.

And the government cheese joke? You say I'm boring. Hello? And you paid for it? All by yourself? Why not take credit for more things, you clown.

Your stale ass is the classic dick who mouths off in complete denial about how much Republican bullshit you have to eat.

I'm sure your strict Federalist, Unitary Executive Theory can justify VP Cheney running the show for 8 years. Maybe complain about Roe v Wade or activist judges. Maybe not account for the cost of war in your budgets because you're so worried about budgets. Oh, that's right, now you are.

Funny how your tune changed 6 months ago.