Monday, July 06, 2009

The Perceived Whine You Hear Is Palin

The Sarah Palin failure. When the bullshit you said a year ago makes you look like the hypocritical farce that you are. [Sadly this won't be the last we hear from her]

One year ago: you plow through the excess criticism, "work harder, prove yourself to a greater degree that you are capable", but don't whine like Hillary.

Now: you quit because your style of leadership is so horrendous and your vanity is so narcissistic and tragic, that leaving everyone behind who supported you is option #1, all the while whining about being treated unfairly.

What about the disservice it does to women you mention? Oh, those words were hollow and used to attack and mock someone else's character.

The video is from August 2008.

Source: Newsweek

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