Tuesday, August 18, 2009

GOP: We Have No Ideas, But We Have Guns

Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) thinks more guns are needed at town hall meetings. “They are permitted to carry a concealed weapon. They have the right to do that…” Too bad these are not concealed, but in plain site in exposed holsters.

I wonder if he would have felt the same when Bush was President and some Code Pink advocate came strapped?

The Atlanta Journal Constitution writer Jay Bookman:
It is attempted intimidation,” he wrote. “It is an acknowledgment that, lacking the intellectual firepower and ammunition to carry the day, the person in question is prepared to try to settle the issue using the kind of firepower and ammunition that any idiot can purchase at a local gunshop.”

Bookman continues: “It also reflects a growing mindset among some that the government just isn’t listening and thus must be made to listen, one way or the other. There’s a fundamental childishness to that attitude, a notion that equates listening to agreement. The person in question is not prepared to accept the idea that having listened to him, a majority of his fellow Americans might decide that he is wrong. So he reserves the right to try to impose his view at the point of a gun.”
So the Southern guy with no clue and a little penis feels marginalized because his idiot racist message is not reaching Manson-esque Helter Skelter levels, better get his "big gun" out and make us all fear his "power". After, he can go home to the trailer park and beat his wife, maybe have some corn dogs and RC cola.

Sucks that the weakest among us have to resort to violence.

Johnny Cash - "Don't Take Your Guns To Town" from the aptly named Town Hall Party in 1958.

Source: RawStory

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