Friday, August 21, 2009

The Media's Rocky Relation With The Truth

President Obama on the forced neutrality in our media, the lacks of "news" and how we pay the price.
"...I have to say, part of the reason it spreads is the way reporting is done today. If somebody puts out misinformation, 'Obama's Creating Death Panels,' then the way the news report comes across is: 'Today such-and-such accused President Obama of putting forward death panels. The White House responded that that wasn't true.' And then they go on to the next story. And what they don't say is, 'In fact, it isn't true.'
"You know, it's fine to have a debate back and forth -- he said, she said -- except when somebody else is just not even telling remotely the truth. Then you should say in your reports, 'Oh, and by the way, that's just not true.'
No more fake debates. No more ad hominem attacks. Just the truth. It's such a waste of our time defending the misinformation thrown out there, then repeated on certain channels. They are not meant to add to any side or position of the issue, they are merely meant to undermine Obama.


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