Thursday, August 13, 2009

Town Hall Screamers And Hyperbolic Rage, FAIL

Part of the reason there is so much hype on these town hall meetings is, unlike George Bush who pre-screened everyone and had them sign oaths to the Republican party before entry, Barack Obama is taking on his detractors more head on.

And thus, the cable news channels get to hype the narrative they've created by focusing on certain parts of the debate, i.e. the screaming hyperbolic cretins that think we are going to become Russia overnight. Who somehow equate tackling rising health care costs with "losing their country".

Jon Stewart does a good segment on this recent coverage, including the 15 seconds of fame the loonies are getting for screaming fantastical, self-predicted legends of how America, their America mind you, will be crushed by caring for each other with lower priced, competitive health care.

Considering they are yelling about a Bill that has NOT left the Congressional Committees yet in its final phase, what are they REALLY mad at?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Citizens of our great nation are being egged on by certain legislators. One reported ask a elected offical "will you encourage people to show-up at public meeting with arms (guns) displayed" the legislator said
"I support people to demostate their constitutional rights"

Please bring your guns to health-care town halls. Sounds like a good and safe ideAL