Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Whoopi: "It was not rape-rape"

Ummm, Whoopi you better shut up now. Polanski did rape someone. Either you have a zero tolerance or you are saying some rape is justified. So he had great lawyers, he is still a rapist.
"We're a different kind of society. We see things differently. The world sees 13 year olds and 14 year olds in the rest of Europe... not everybody agrees with the way we see things. [...] Would I want my 14 year old having sex with somebody? Not necessarily..." - Whoopi Goldberg, using cultural relativism to defend the drugging and sodomizing of a 13-year-old girl.
You also defended Michael Vick as "just being Southern" for his dog fighting atrocities and subsequent gambling felonies.

Source: NewsBusters

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