Friday, October 02, 2009

Obama's Dimplomacy vs Bush's Sabre Rattling

It's nice when your President is a diplomat with a cool hand, rather than some goof with a cowboy fetish. Take dealing with Iran for instance, via McClatchy:
"Iran also pledged that within weeks it would allow the inspection of a previously covert uranium enrichment facility near the holy city of Qom, and the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, announced that he'd head to Tehran to work out the details."
and this massive change:
"Iran agreed in principle Thursday to ship most of its current stockpile of enriched uranium to Russia, where it would be refined for exclusively peaceful uses, in what Western diplomats called a significant, but interim, measure to ease concerns over its nuclear program."
So to put this in context, a real President versus a God-Squad huckster:
"Obama WH already got more from one buffet lunch with Iran than Bush WH did in 8 years of saber-rattling." - Steve Hynd.
This is pretty big news. I wonder if the failed neo-cons and racialist GOP base will obsess on Chicago not getting the 2016 Olympics?

Source: Salon

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