Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Finally A President Not Governed By Fear

The Neocon/Conservative/Republican/GOP mantra was to torture. Shred the Constitution. The judicial process was Cheney's bete noire. Leave that for someone else to figure out.

Now that we have to prosecute all these people they imprisoned and tortured illegally, the Right now cower and get to complain how the court proceedings will harm America. The Right mindset made actual prosecution of any of them extremely hard, and now they don't want the World to see how evil they were. The Al Qaeda propaganda machine has nothing on the GOP.

Andrew Sullivan
"When you listen to the Fox News right speak about this, they reveal amazing levels of fear. They have been truly spooked by these men with long beards and chilling eyes. They are so scared of them they are willing to drop any and all legal principles that the West has historically used with respect to mass murderers. Their fear brought them to institute torture, and to engage in mass brutality against prisoners of war in every theater of combat in a manner that will tragically taint the honor of the US military for a very long time. It led them to establish Gitmo, to create for the world a reverse symbol of the Statue of Liberty, and imprint it on the minds and in the consciences of an entire generation of human beings, whose view of America will never be the same."
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was arrested in 2003. The US has has killed about 20 #3 Al Qaeda guys in the meantime. Is there a real fear? Then you must be totally afraid of Charles Manson, too.

Whatever happened to "nothing to fear but fear itself"? I guess fear and fantastical doomsday scenarios get you GOP votes, so they exploit it.

Bush and Cheney played into the Al Qaeda neme. They helped use 9/11 to take apart our system of checks and balances, habeas corpus and Rule of Law. Now that Obama is restoring all these laws and regained the nerve of doing the right thing in a tough time, it really exposes all the moral and intellectual weaknesses in his oppostion.

Source: The Daily Dish

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