Monday, November 16, 2009

The Neoconservative War Project

The Neoconservatives see the world in terms of enemies and eternal forces that must be destroyed. It allows them to always have a purpose. Peace is the last thing they want. They would have nothing to run on.

In the post-Bush/Cheney halcyon days of war starting, the new players are striking fear in their bread-and-butter warmongering.

Andrew Sullivan writes:
"The neoconservatives have been having a difficult time of late. In particular, the possibility that the American people, via the election of Obama, and the Iranian people, via the Green Revolution, may be moving toward a grand bargain that would avoid war alarms them. That's why Daniel Pipes wanted Ahmadi to win the election beforehand (a view he alone had the admirable intellectual honesty to air in public). The emergence of a Green Movement in Iran that does not share the worldview of the neocons is a terrible threat to the solipsism of the neocon right, in which every global conflict is really about religious war "for ever," to quote Irving Kristol, and in which the Iran-Israel question is actually a "Fourth World War," to quote Norman Podhoretz. If you are an Israeli, this might be plausible. If you are not an Israeli, less so.

In all this, a figure like NIAC's Trita Parsi is dangerous. Charismatic, telegenic, close to the Obama administration and yet a man whose credentials during the Green Revolution are impeccable: he suggests that neocon Manicheanism is far too crude to understand let alone resolve this crisis. Parsi opposes sanctions, for example, as do Karroubi and Mousavi. And, more relevant with respect to the neocons, he opposes war. And so if you want to understand the motives behind the leaked documents behind Eli Lake's recent fair story, you need look no further. Smearing the non-neocon Green opposition as essentially pro-Khamenei solidifies the neoconservative war project."
The Neoconservative War Project. Or the Republican Party of the last 8 years. The article goes on to show how the Parsi smear was put into action through Neocon Right e-mails.
"It's just a rare and small glimpse of how neocons operate. It is warfare abroad and warfare at home. It is a philosophy of attack and force, not dialogue and thought."
That's why a guy like Obama really scares them. Bullets are not his first option.

Source: The Daily Dish

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