Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bamboozler Of The Year

Frank Rich makes a case for Tiger Woods being Person of the year. Like most big stories of the year and decade, it's about being bamboozled.
"If there’s been a consistent narrative to this year and every other in this decade, it’s that most of us, Bernanke included, have been so easily bamboozled. The men who played us for suckers, whether at Citigroup or Fannie Mae, at the White House or Ted Haggard’s megachurch, are the real movers and shakers of this century’s history so far. That’s why the obvious person of the year is Tiger Woods. His sham beatific image, questioned by almost no one until it collapsed, is nothing if not the farcical reductio ad absurdum of the decade’s flimflams, from the cancerous (the subprime mortgage) to the inane (balloon boy)."
Enron? WMD? 2000 Election? Steroids in sports? John Edwards? Eliot Spitzer? Bernie Madoff? The entire Bush presidency?

Source: NYT

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