Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Landrieu Reminds McCain That He Lost

After missing 100's of meetings over the past few months, the Republicans choose politics over policy.

"Instead of coming to the table and working with Democrats to write a bipartisan health care reform bill, Republicans chose to put partisan politics first. Fabricating "death panels", distorting Medicare cuts and undermining and disrespecting the role of government in protecting its citizens, they have engaged in a relentless misinformation campaign aimed solely at using fear to sway public opinion against this bill. Recently, Senator McCain has been claiming that the American people are opposed to reform and speaking about "the will of the majority." I would remind my colleague from Arizona that the will of the majority was heard loud and clear last November." - Sen. Mary Landrieu

Elections have consequences. You lost.

Posted via web from liberalsarecool's posterous

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