Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Doomsday Hyperbole v Justice

The Republicans and Neo-Cons broke all the rules for carrying out Justice, now they get to complain when Justice actually happens.
"The Obami, in all their sanctimonious glory, will rise above the mundane concerns for safety and security and throw overboard our own judicial history and precedents. This is nothing more than an exercise in moral preening. We’ll impress our European friends and the academic Left. For the enemy is us," - Jennifer Rubin, on moving detainees to Thompson, Illinois.
John McCain, Colin Powell, David Petraeus, and George W. Bush all supported closing Gitmo. Are they our "European friends" or the "academic Left"? The whole fake war was to spread Democracy and "our values". You eventually have to live up to your words.

Rule of Law is moral preening? Obama is sanctimonious? I think Jennifer needs a dictionary.

Source: The Daily Dish

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