Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It Is Never Really About Socialism

Socialism is synonymous in Foxland with "anything that scares me."

So what is it really? It's about the feared redistribution of privilege that these hicks think they've "earned" that scares them. Redistribution of wealth and Socialism are code words in their class warfare. They'll do anything to stop "coloreds" or "homos" from getting their shot at prosperity and equal freedoms. Obama is Marxist, a Muslim, a non-Christian, he wants to socialize the entire country. The same shit as calling Martin Luther King Jr a communist for wanting equal rights back in the 60s or these cretins [pictured] in Little Rock, AR, in 1959.

Why no protests under Bush for creating historic debt, nationalizing all the banks and mortgage companies, wiretapping Americans without warrants, growing the size of the Government to its largest levels ever, all while wasting money on endless wars? It all ties into race and other social objectives and has nothing really to do with taxation, deficits, and big government.

Marriage and access to health care are things that help you become independent of the State. You and your spouse care for each other. Health care keeps you out of expensive hospitals. But why address the real problems when you can call out "socialism" and the lemmings all mindlessly nod on.

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