Wednesday, December 02, 2009

McCain Using Enron Hysterics?

Yesterday, John McCain launched an attack on the health care bill before the Senate, calling it "monstrous" and an example of "Enron accounting."

Hysterical? Nonsensical? Fact-free?

You bet.
"But of all people, McCain would know a lot about Enron accounting. Who made the Enron loophole possible? That would be the McCain's BFF and chief economic adviser Phil Gramm. Oh, and Gramm's wife just happened to be on the board of Enron."
Just another example of Palin/Beck Republican leadership not understanding what they are saying, just repeating sound-bytes.

Not really shocking a guy involved in the Keating Five has a "shady accounting" addiction. McCain is an expert.

Source: DailyKos

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