Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Republican Obstructionist Manual Surfaces

This is the bipartisanship the GOP whine about needing?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid exposes the long awaited Republican plan for Health Care reform: a three-page instructional manual on how to bring the Senate to a screeching halt distributed by Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.). Are the Republicans happier wasting all our time or being so eager to admit it?
"This morning, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) seized on the document: "The good news is that Senate Republicans finally, at long last, have put a detailed plan down on paper. The bad news is that it's not, as we'd hoped, a plan to make health care insurance more affordable; it's not one to make health insurance companies more accountable; and it's certainly not a plan to reverse rapidly rising health care costs and draw down our deficit.

"The Republican plan we've waited weeks and months to see ... [is] not even about health care at all. The first and only plan Senate Republicans could be bothered to write up is an instructional manual on how to bring the Senate to a screeching halt. We knew that was happening anyway, but they had the audacity to put it in writing."
The GOP reduced to obstructionists. No ideas. Paid to do nothing.

Source: Washington Monthly

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