Thursday, January 07, 2010

"Name One Republican Accomplishment" FAIL

GOP strategist Todd Harris was asked, "Name one thing the Republicans have done for the United States over the last 20 years". It did not go too well. Host Chris Matthews qualified the question:
"I just wanted to get the Republican bragging points straight here. So the Republican Party has kept us safe, except for 9/11. Is that the argument? No, really, because you had the worst attack on the American homeland in history, but you're bragging about your ability to defend the country.... That's your defense, right?"
I'm surprised Harris did not spurt out "tax cuts for the wealthy" since they're supposed to be the solution to every conceivable problem.

And even after 9/11, which happened under Bush, he himself did not stop attacking our economy, Constitution and reputation. Does another attack even matter when our own President does more damage?

To be fair, Republicans are still fighting the good fight in the War Against Christmas, same sex marriage, the right to carry automatic weapons in public and praying in schools. Oh, and tripling the concentration of wealth to the top 1%.

Source: Washington Monthly

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