Thursday, March 11, 2010

Alcoholic Mormon Tells All Churches To Drop "Social Justice"

BECK DOUBLES DOWN ON OPPOSITION TO 'SOCIAL JUSTICE'.... This week, on his radio show, right-wing host Glenn Beck raised a few eyebrows when he condemned churches that take "social justice" seriously.

"I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church web site," Beck urged his audience. "If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words. Now, am I advising people to leave their church? Yes!"

Today, Beck returned to the subject, insisting that the notion of social justice is "a perversion of the Gospel," and "not what Jesus would say." He wasn't kidding.

He went on to say that Americans should be skeptical of religious leaders who are "basing their religion on social justice," and explained his fear that concern for social justice is a problem "infecting all" faith traditions.

Beck's condemnations aren't going over well in some faith communities. The Rev. Jim Wallis, a prominent evangelical figure and president of the Sojourners network, argued yesterday, "I don't know if Beck is just strange, just trying to be controversial, or just trying to make money. But in any case, what he has said attacks the very heart of our Christian faith, and Christians should no longer watch his show."

It's strange enough to hear the deranged media personality share his bizarre thoughts on domestic policy, foreign policy, history, constitutional law, and economics -- subjects he knows nothing about. But we now see Beck arguing, more than once, that the central tenet of most Christian churches is a secret plot that should drive the faithful from their congregations.

We're well past the shark-jumping moment with this self-described clown, but I can't help but wonder if this is the kind of lunacy that might actually cost him some fans.

Steve Benen 1:25 PM Permalink | Trackbacks | Comments (24)

Beck's domestic policy, foreign policy, history, Constitutional Law and Economics are all willfully and selfishly flawed, now add religion.

Beck is saying the basis of religion is not morality, ethics and justice. Would love to see his blackboard explain this one.

via a commenter:

The gospel, according to Saint Glenn...

And Jesus said:
- Blessed are the rich, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
- Blessed are the shriek, for they shall inherit the earth
- Blessed are the merciless, for they shall determine mercy
- Blessed are the warmakers, for they shall be called the sons of God

Furthermore Jesus said:
- It is easier for a camel to fit thru the eye of a needle than for a poor man to go to heaven.
- Let he who is wealthy cast the first stone.
- Do unto others before they do unto you

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chiefnutcase said...

I am a Moron, A liberal. Beck drives me crazy. You nailed him. I couldn't have said it better, although I have tried.

Anonymous said...

Americans need to wake up the fact that Beck is simply another opinion pushing charlatan who is a product of mormon cult theology and he mixes this with his personal make up as a dry alcoholic. He does not possess a single ounce of journalistic integrity, has no college degree, has no qualifications and he is definitely not a true conservative. But then, what can anyone expect from someone who can't find anything filthier than their own personal reflection. Since people like Beck cannot survive on the basis of any personal merits, they survive by puting others down with lies and half truths in order to feel good about themselves. The truth about Beck is that he a dry mormon alcoholic who never got the counseling required for alcholics. He flippantly throws around Christian terms like "God", "Jesus", "Holy Spirit" as well as voices of other so called "Spirit Powers" on his radio talk show. Beck is a mormon in active standing with the mormon church and is not a Christian. Mormonism teaches many gods, that the god of the earth was once a man who attained godhood status, there is no trinity, the cross of Christ means nothing and that Jesus Christ and Satan were brothers. Because Beck does not possess a single ounce of journalistic integrity, he is the perfect abortion poster child for Fox Network. The people who love what Beck says are no different than the impressionable sheep who loved every speech made by Adolph Hitler in his early years when he brought Germany into an era of economic prosperity. These same sheep also blindly followed Hitler into one of the darkest chapters of world history. Beck and the Fox Network both cater to the same lowest common denominator of demagogery. Beck man would not know the first thing about God as he is a mormon. Someone should ask him which of the many mormon gods he kept talking about during his argument with himself on Saturday on the square in DC. Like a typical dry alcoholic, Beck even lied on national television when he spoke about holding a document signed by George Washington. That event never took Place Unfortunately, people who love being led around by the nose do not realize that he is talking about a different god than that of Christianity, Judaism or Islam and that he has been a product of mormonism cultism from the day he started doing a radio talk show as an opinion pusher.