Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rich County, Blue County

"Comparing the presidential voting results 20 years apart, there are some interesting differences and patterns. First, all of the counties voted more Democratic in 2008 than in 1988. Democrat Barack Obama won 16 of the 25, while Democrat Michael Dukakis carried just 5 of the (current) 25 richest.

Second, because there is about a 14-point swing between George HW Bush's 7-point 1988 victory and Obama's 7-point victory two decades later, a more revealing barometer is how many of the 25 counties swung by 14 or more points. Answer: 20 of them. That is, they aren't just bluer than they were 20 years ago; they have outpaced the national shift toward the Democrats, at least between those two elections."

The Democratic Party has shifted into the optimistic, upscale, progressive party and the Republican Party into the pessimistic, scared and angry party of the endangered middle-class. It's a case of voting against your own interests."

Our cultural divide is increasingly between the cities and near suburbs and the rest of the country. The urban secular and the "flyover State" Jihadis.

I feel good about the 18-35 voting block, though. They seem to get past all these stereotypes. They know government services benefit the entire community, they despise racism and don't need Republicans in their bedroom preaching.

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