Monday, May 17, 2010

GOP Senators Say Bailouts Worked: Just Please Don't Tell Anyone!

"Perhaps the most fascinating political conundrum of the 2010 election is one faced by GOP senators, almost all of whom voted for TARP and supported some of the other bailouts in the thick of the financial crisis. The good news is that, for all their shortcomings, the bailouts did the trick, preventing a deeper economic crisis. The bad news is those bailouts are now considered political poison by the tea partying conservative base."

Boxed in now by the fringe, GOP Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), John McCain (R-AZ), Bob Bennett (R-UT), Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Judd Gregg (R-NH) are unable to say the legislation failed, but at pains to distance themselves from their pro-TARP vote nonetheless.

Ask Bob Bennett (R-UT) about it.

Making up bumper stickers...easy.
Actually governing...not so easy.

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