Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Nationalist: See No Evil, Hear No Evil

That's until you get a black President and then it's freak-out time.

Reminds me of another quote:

"The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility, but the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to war."
— Sidney J. Harris

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Orwell's Ghost said...

I guess this explains why you and your fellow cool liberals were against the use of Predator drones, Gitmo, renditions, tribunals, wiretaps, Patriot Act, shredding the Constitution, etc. while Bush 43 was President and are now COMPLETELY SILENT when Obama continues the exact same practices.

Talk about see no evil, hear no evil! Orwell would love this:

Campaign Obama: “Four legs good, two legs bad!”

President Obama: “Four legs good, two legs BETTER!”

Reminds me of a quote:

"The difference between patriotism and liberalism is ... the liberal is proud of his country only when a fellow liberal is in charge, even if the head liberal is doing the same things as his non-liberal predecessor."

Why don't you just admit that it is not (and has never been) about principles, but juut about the acquistition and maintenance of power? That at least would be honest.

How else can you explain the double standard?

Douglas Vicenzi said...

Predator drones in Pakistan I can deal with. Gitmo is in the process of being closed. Patriot Act will change over time. Congress has a lot to do with that. Wiretaps are legal, just not the illegal ones. Tribunals will be phased out.

Am I to surmise you are against these practices and are truly upset, or just playing advocate for the devil?

It took Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney a long time to fuck up everything, it is going to take a while to change it back.

Orwell's Ghost said...

One thing I give Obama credit for is he knows he can play his far-left base for fools.

Promising to close Gitmo is as good as actually closing. I.e., he virtually closed it.

Getting you to believe that tribunals will be phased out is as good as actually phasing them out. I.e., he virtually phased out tribunals.

His wiretaps are the good kind (unlike Bush's bad kind).

Laws (like the Patriot Act) are passed by Congress not the President. I remember when the cool liberals made this point many times during Bush's presidency . . . not!

And cool liberals are against Bush waterboarding the known mastermind of 9/11 but can deal with Obama's Predator drone strikes that are de facto prosecutor/judge/jury/executioner of mere suspects and their family, friends, neighbors, visitors and anyone else who happens to be hanging around the neighborhood at the time (none of whom were read their Miranda rights).

What are your principles?

Douglas Vicenzi said...

I have principles, I do not follow Obama blindly. I am not far left. Get over the "most liberal" tag.

Knowing how to play his base? Bush's gay marriage amendment? Terror alerts? Pro-life? Win the war on terror?

You were played on all angles. Rove suckered you all. Gay marriage dumped, terror alerts were pure political ploys, pro-life just means pro-white embryos, fighting terror as you dump Rumsfeld the day after 2006 elections.

The Christian Bush who never went to church. The ultimate mystery of the universe and Bush has a personal relationship with "God". If Obama said that, the same people would laugh. He played every compassionate person for a fool.

Things take time. I am for the change that is happening. Maybe you are not. Not going to stop me.

Tell me some things you like about Bush. How his plans and ideas worked out the way you thought they would. How his economic policies worked out for you. How his legal team reflects your lifestyle of total unaccountability. Tell me how your personal principles match up with them.

Chances are they don't. You are probably a guy who spends his money wisely, respects others, would never start a fight over false claims, would never torture anyone, and on an on.

Finally, if you think Obama is just like Bush, why are you mad at me for supporting Obama?