Thursday, July 22, 2010

Context Is Everything

Serwer provides some:

For all the sound and fury, Breitbart's video was nothing more than an alibi, an attempt to collectively exonerate the right from a charge of racism by turning it back on the NAACP. This is the precise origin of the oppositional culture developed by some conservatives in the aftermath of the 2008 election. It is broadly premised on convincing conservatives they face a similar kind of institutional racism black people have faced throughout history, while maintaining that the sole obstacle to black advancement is the same culture of grievance they're so desperate to imitate. Glenn Beck saying today's America is "like the 1950s except the races are reversed," isn't an observation; it's a demand for absolution. This is the same selfish white guilt rightly mocked when possessed by liberals, curdled into a bitter stew of defensive anger and epic self-pity. Yet even Beck thinks Sherrod was wronged.

Conservatives and the GOP, who have about one black or brown friend between them, could witness about 1000 acts of passive or outright racism toward minorities when the first "reverse racist" hint of an event is turned into a talking point and righteously proclaim their willful false equivalence, "see, they do it, too". Of course they would use "they" to encompass all the slighted groups in one fell swoop. It's what racist do.

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