Saturday, September 11, 2010

$250k Isn’t A Lot Of Money If You Want To Shit Gold Dust

Whether you’re rich or not isn’t a state of mind, nor is it what you spend your money on: it’s a summary statistic. If you make more than 95% of the population you’re rich, even if you don’t feel rich because you’ve spent it all on gold dust to sprinkle on every meal…. Oh, and saying you don’t feel rich when you make $250,000 a year doesn’t just not make you less rich, it also makes you kind of an asshole.

"I’m not very sympathetic to the argument that $250,000 doesn’t make you rich if you live somewhere where cost of living expenses are high. Spending your large income on expensive shit doesn’t make you not rich, it makes you someone with the privilege to buy expensive shit and choosing to do so. Living in the most expensive places in the country isn’t some natural expense you’re burdened with like a disability or disease: it’s a choice about how to spend your money."

People who have no idea what it means to be/live poor are the ones who think $250,000 is not a lot of money.

Posted via email from

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