Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Lie And Ignorance Are Used Against A Single Payer System

"I'm currently 9 months pregnant and I haven't paid a dime for my health care. Yes, I work and pay taxes but even if I didn't I would have access to the exact same health care. How is that bad?"


people aren’t against affordable care or any of the things that single-payer system actually is. 

people are against communism, socialism, pulling the plug on gramma, government funded abortions, and stealing from the rich to give to the poor. they’re against rationing. 

so basically, they’re against lies and ignorance, since none of those things truly exist in a single-payer system. 

We spend way too much time getting out real information. It seems the half-truths and all-out lies spread much quicker. One "death panel" tweet and it's a year of trying to explain they will NEVER happen.

Posted via email from

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