Tuesday, February 22, 2011

GOP Loves Crushing American Labor

Individuals and the groups who use collective bargaining do so to protect themselves from the rich and powerful who want to exploit them for labor. This is not theory, this is experience.

We did not get to our present America without much hardships. We put safeguards in place to protect the present and future generations from repeating those hardships.

It now seems the Republicans and Tea Partiers have forgotten those lessons and want to exploit the laborers again. Why? Because there is a Democratic President?

Do they want to stunt the economy just to kneecap the recovery brought on by Obama in the wake of the destructive Bush years?

Are they willing to make such drastic power grabs just for politics? I think we know the answer. - Douglas/LiberaslAreCool

Posted via email from liberalsarecool.com

1 comment:

Samuel Gompers said...

A few responses:

1. How does your argument apply to public sector unions? Who are the "rich and powerful exploiters" in your melodrama - the public? Do you understand the difference between a private sector union and a public sector union?

2. Introducing a modest level of personal responsibility for one's economic security in the public sector is hardly "exploitation." But every melodrama needs a villian.

3. And about those "hardships." Unions love to wrap themselves in the phony flag of social justice: We got you the minimum wage... we ended child labor... we got women the vote...

Look, the war is over. If you know of a six year old slaughtering hogs or working in a coal mine, I suggest you contact law enforcement. Otherwise, STFU.