Monday, February 21, 2011

What The GOP Said To Me



Three months ago, I remember being told that Americans making $250,000 a year were just salt of the earth types, barely scraping by in lower-middle-class existence. The value of the dollar must have skyrocketed in the meantime, because now I’m told Wisconsin teachers (starting salary: $25,222; average: $46,390) are lazy, overpaid parasites.

Ah yes, like Professor Todd Henderson, who complained in September that he couldn’t afford a tax hike. His family’s income was $400,000 a year. Salt of the earth, indeed.

The GOP confuses making money for working hard. And hard working, lower income persons collectively are a threat to the GOP. They might get what they earned and deserve.

Divide and conquer, at all costs, at all sense of double standards and hypocrisies, is the GOP modus operandi.

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1 comment:

Ron Swanson said...

"The GOP confuses making money for working hard. And hard working, lower income persons collectively are a threat to the GOP. They might get what they earned and deserve."

Who decides what a worker "deserves?"

If the DMV clerk loses a job, does another public bureau or private company inevitably seize the opportunity to hire such a valuable worker at comparable or improved wages?

In the real world, the market determines what a worker is worth. Put another way, capitalism is God's way of determining who is smart, and who is poor.

Only an adolescent fumes over why things outside are not equal rather than looking within to ensure they could be.