Thursday, September 08, 2005

Blame Game

Why is the Bush administartion so adamant about not pointing fingers regarding the New Orleans Clusterf*ck? No "blame game" is in the right-wing echo chamber already. Now is not the time bullshit.

These are same people after the 9/11 attacks, who within hours, started to blame Iraq and wanted to go to war from September 12, 2001 on. They had no problem putting blame back then. Why the complete 180? Now all of a sudden they want to take time to assess the situation. Had they taken time to assess New Orleans, and Iraq too, beforehand, just think how different everything would be. The levees would have been taken care of in the Big Easy and thousands of lives would have been saved in the Middle East.

Anytime you're supposed to take your time, they rush in. When you have to rush in, they take their time. Complete disconnect.

Why is it that Joe Torre gets more blame for leaving in pitcher Tanyon Sturtz too long during a Yankee game then George Bush does for appointing a hack as the head of FEMA, systematically screwing over poor people, underfunding New Orleans year after year, and then not even showing up until three days after the storm?

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