Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I Notice No One In New Orleans Says To Shoot

It's always these wimps in the safety of another state, and some another state of mind, that they say to shoot people for looting. They would never say it in New Orleans because they would get their punk-ass mouth slapped. I notice no one on the scene who is living in the horror calls for people to be shot. But some douche bag from the Wall Street Journal calls for shooting people. Why don't you get your fat ass from New Jersey and say it down in Louisianna.

For a place that has no electricity, no water and no food, I think the locals are doing a great job. They are just like the Iraqis. They are the brave ones. They are the ones that define courage.

And if you want to keep the Iraq analogy for a second, we should send in a fraction of the help and troops necesssary and see if they are greeted like liberators. That's what Rumsfeld and Co did in Iraq.

Americans can see firsthand how Bush policy of cutting needed programs and services f*cked up the world. We fucked the Iraqis, now we f*cked oursleves.

The buck stops with your President.

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