Saturday, September 10, 2005

Why Can't We Pick Up The Dead Bodies?

A simple question. When there are dead bodies, it always seems first and foremost, the most respectable thing to do. When 9/11 happened, they didn't leave dead bodies lying around as they searched for survivors. After Oklahoma City they did the same. Even when there are gunfights going on, it always seems they try to get the dead. The military does it.

Why is it that it takes days to pick up the bodies after Katrina? Racism is not the only answer, or classism. Do they have no place to put them? Do people not know how to pick up a dead body? Is leaving them where they are helping them find other survivors? What is the upside to not collecting them? Where's our humanity?

We pick up roadkill faster.

And as we try to bring our version of democracy to places like Iraq, these are the images that the world sees. Doesn't this undermind our troops? How can refute that our indifference and lack of planning pre- and post-disaster makes it harder for our troops to do their jobs?

Our calling card is slashing plans presented by experts, not having enough troops to do the job and letting civilians suffer, all the while protecting oil and big business.

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