Monday, September 12, 2005

Even The Comic Book Guy Knows

Newsweek will point out again how the truth of a situation was withheld from the dumb guy. He is briefed like a child because he can't handle the truth. It hurts his head. Bush has let my city's Towers be destroyed by not taking Osama seriously, and now he has let the Gulf Coast be destroyed by not taking FEMA seriously.

Both times our Nation's security have taken a backseat. Both times the Bush Administration has acted like you could not have predicted these things from happening. Their foresight is 100% wrong. On 9/11, on New Orleans, on stem cells, on global warming, on WMD, on Iraq, on Social Security, on John Bolton for the UN, and the list goes on.

This country is great because of its' citizens, not its' government. Just think if we had better leadership. Vote Blue in '06.

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