Monday, September 12, 2005

Mick Jagger Sounds Off, This Time Tony Blair

I know it's only Sir Mick, but it's a sign that the mainstream is catching up with the progressives regarding Iraq. For too long we accepted the lies, now we must hold them accountable. Even Mick bought the initial decision to remove Saddam Hussein from power - but was "shocked" when it was revealed a dossier detailing Hussein's possession of weapons of mass destruction was exaggerated by the British Government, reports ContactMusic .

He says, "At the time of the Iraq invasion, I was ambivalent; getting rid of Top of Saddam Hussein was a gift for humanity and I thought that there was a coherent plan to put Iraq back on its feet. (But it) shocked me to know that Blair already knew that the weapons of mass destruction were simply an excuse and that there was nothing planned for the day after (the invasion)."

Jagger also fears much for the future of Iraq - still the site of much conflict two years after Hussein's regime was toppled.

He adds, "If we do not take intelligent steps, a part of Iraq will end up becoming an Islamic republic, a puppet of Tehran."

I know right wingers have their Toby Keith and putting boots up peoples' asses, but atleast Mick has a point worth debating.

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