Sunday, September 11, 2005

How Bush Blew It

Bureaucratic timidity. Bad phone lines. And a failure of imagination. Why the government was so slow to respond to catastrophe.

That's the first line from the Newsweek article. The line that struck me was the lack of imagination on this day of all days, September 11. It is the same thing they said about planes being used to hit buildings. The ultimate hack Condi Rice repeated over and over again the lie that no one could have imagined the hijackers using planes as bombs. Now the same goes for New Orleans. They ignore real problems all the time.

Another line from the article hit home for me:

"Bush can be petulent about dissent; he equates disagreement with disloyalty. After five years in office, he is surrounded by people who agree with him."

Now if you are not aware of this problem, that's one thing. But you can't knowingly have yes men around you, and then say you didn't know because they were afraid to tell you the truth. How evil is that? Just think how much is withheld from Bush when he's out there stumping for Social Security or Medicaid. He's fixed the numbers regarding budgets, he's fixed data regarding global warming, he has time and time again silenced the truth in favor of pushing his corporate "agenda".

Just look at Iraq. Bush accepted all the data from his yes men, started a bogus war, and then says he started the war because the facts he had at the time said there was WMD. And we all go along with it. Remember, there were millions of people who before we went to Iraq, opposed this war. We were lied to. The Bush Administration made up their story, had the only person we trusted, Colin Powell, sell it, and we now have to hold them all responsible. I wish Colin would come clean, once and far all.

The Right Wing power grab has to end. We have given in for too long and given up too much. This is not America.

Newsweek article is here.

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